Ronda Funeral Home - Orba Mortuary
Ronda Funeral Home makes available a wide variety of funeral services in towns from Alacant: Pego, El Verger and Orba.
Orba Mortuary is our latest incorporation, designed to serve Orba and the surrounding towns, like la Vall de Laguar, la Retoria, Murla, Parcent, Benigembla, Castell de Castells, etc.
Specifically. We have:
- Viewing rooms with all the services needed.
- Complete offer of flowers and wreaths.
- Embalming service.
- Hiring of obituaries.
- Secular and religious ceremonies.
- Family and companions collection and transfer service.
- Relocation of the deceased all over the country and abroad service.
- Incineration service carried out in our own facilities and in other cemeteries.
- Etcetera.
If you want to know complete range of services, consult us.
In Ronda Funeral Home, we always think about the needs of our customers and that is why in Orba Mortuary we have the new CHAPEL service for those people who need to use it for secular or religious ceremonies.
Orba Mortuary
Calle Terrassería, s/n 03790
03790 Orba (Alicante/ Alacant)
24 hour-phone number
606 450 282
Other phone numbers
965 570 093
Phone and fax
965 751 010
Mobile phones
606 450 282 / {custom_text_tel4}/
686 657 632
We are here to help you in these hard times.